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Lexus’s Failure To Address Door Lock Actuator Defect Spawns Class Action Featured

Lexus sued for its failure to acknowledge or address defective door lock actuators used in many of its vehicles. In recent years, a significant number of Lexus vehicle owners and lessors have encountered a troubling issue: defective door lock actuators. These components are crucial for the central locking system, ensuring the security and convenience of…

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Unmasking Deception: All Seasons Press Under Investigation For Disinformation And Fraud Featured

All Seasons Press under investigation for fraudulently disseminating false information to readers for profit. Readers react. In a seismic development within the literary landscape, an investigation has been launched against book publisher All Seasons Press on behalf of purchasers of the book “The Chief’s Chief” authored by former President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark…

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Lawsuits Filed Against Lyft For Sexual Assault Featured

New class action lawsuits allege that Lyft failed to protect both passengers and drivers from physical and sexual assault. Ride share apps have seen a significant increase in use over the past decade, and unfortunately, reports of ride share sexual abuse have also surged, leading to numerous Lyft and Uber lawsuits. Lyft Assaults Lawsuits The…

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Toxic Male Culture At Uber Disregards Safety Of Female Passengers – Lawsuit Featured

Toxic male-dominated culture at Uber placed revenue growth ahead of protecting passenger safety contrary to claims it made to public. A proposed class-action lawsuit was recently filed against ride-hailing service Uber on behalf of passengers who were kidnapped, sexually assaulted, sexually battered, raped, falsely imprisoned, stalked, harassed, or otherwise attacked by Uber drivers with whom…

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Google Illegally Wiretapping On-line Tax Filing Websites – Lawsuit Featured

Google knew its technology would be used to ‘illegally intercept’ electronic communications but chose to put advertising profits ahead of privacy laws. A class action lawsuit was recently filed against Google alleging that the search engine giant is knowingly “wiretapping” several American tax preparation websites and gathering sensitive personal and financial data it can then…

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FDA Finds OTC PE Tablet Decongestants Completely Ineffective Featured

For decades manufacturers of cold medications charged consumers premium prices for nasal decongestants they knew were completely ineffective. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nonprescription Drug Advisory Committee (NDAC) recently informed the FDA that the decongestant phenylephrine, found in many over-the-counter (OTC) cold and flu medications, is no more effective than a placebo. The…

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Manufactured Home Community Owners Collude To Fix Lot Rents – Lawsuit Featured

Owners of manufactured home communities rely on Datacomp reports to reduce or eliminate competition among themselves on price, services, and quality for manufactured home lots. A lawsuit was recently filed against several corporate owners of manufactured home communities alleging they collude with one another to increase profits by artificially inflating pad rentals. The consequence is…

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